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Stories You Make Possible

Stories You Make Possible

Explore Operation Smile stories from around the world highlighting the courage of patients and their families, the dedication of our volunteers and staff, and the generosity of supporters like you.


Care for Brighter Futures: Iris' Story, Part 2

VIDEO: Under the world-class care of Operation Smile Nicaragua's care center volunteers, Iris finally receives the surgery she always deserved.

More Than Smiles

VIDEO: In Ethiopia, the need for reconstructive plastic surgery is overwhelming. However, Operation Smile Surgical Training Rotations aim to fill the void.

Discovering the Causes of Cleft, Part 2

International Family Study project manager Frederick Brindopke offers insight into this unique medical research collaboration.

The Solution

VIDEO: When Meheftehe was born with a severe facial cleft, her parents symbolized their hope for her through her name, which means "solution."

Love Breaks Down Barriers

VIDEO: In the Philippines, Operation Smile works with the nonprofit Abounding in Love, which provides transportation, lodging and more for patients and families.

Achieving Safe, Effective and Timely Surgery

VIDEO: Operation Smile strives to provide surgery that's SET – safe, effective and timely – for patients with cleft in resource-poor communities around the world.
United States

Paying It Forward: Q&A with Dr. Dane Hoang

VIDEO: Over the past decade, pediatric dentist Dr. Dane Hoang has given generously both as an Operation Smile donor and medical volunteer.

Discovering the Causes of Cleft, Part 1

VIDEO: The International Family Study is pioneering research into the causes of cleft. One cleft-affected family in the Philippines is of particular interest to the study.

Devoted to Their Daughter

VIDEO: Elisa's parents, Sidonie and Jean, stopped at nothing to make sure she received safe cleft surgery from Operation Smile.

Make Your Gift


Every three minutes, a child is born with a cleft condition. Your gift today will help transform lives and increase access to essential surgical care.