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Stories You Make Possible

Stories You Make Possible

Explore Operation Smile stories from around the world highlighting the courage of patients and their families, the dedication of our volunteers and staff, and the generosity of supporters like you.


His Story, His Words

Guibson received surgery from Operation Smile after living 22 years with a cleft lip. He encompassed his gratitude in an original poem titled "Dreams."

Scenes From the Field: Colombia MegaAHA

Uniting from across Latin America, 120 volunteers learned life-saving skills during the American Heart Association life support training sessions in Cali, Colombia.

Surgery for the People: The Need

VIDEO: Operation Smile and Nicaragua’s Ministry of Health are working together to improve the surgical infrastructure of two rural hospitals.

This Selfless Mother Finally Receives Lifesaving Surgery

VIDEO: After 20 years of pain, Nicolasa can live the life she always deserved thanks to care she received from the Surgery for the People project.

She Lived in Pain for More than 20 Years

VIDEO: Thanks to the Surgery for the People project, patients like Nicolasa in Nicaragua can receive essential surgical care closer to home.

Building Bridges to Care

VIDEO: As a patient coordinator for the Surgery for the People project, Jackelyn Reyes helps people from indigenous communities access life-saving care.

This Man Turns “Junk” Into Lifesaving Equipment

VIDEO: As part of the Surgery for the People project, biomedical technician Henry Parrales is saving lives by repairing critically needed medical equipment.

Healing Their Community

VIDEO: With laparoscopic equipment from the Surgery for the People project, Drs. Tyrone Valle and José Ramon Silva are treating more patients than ever.

This Radio Program Is Saving Lives

VIDEO: Dr. Brenda Tinoco is providing more people with life-saving knowledge through a radio program provided by the Surgery for the People project.

Make Your Gift


Every three minutes, a child is born with a cleft condition. Your gift today will help transform lives and increase access to essential surgical care.