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Volunteer Story United States

Happy International Nurses Day!

Volunteer Story United States

Happy International Nurses Day!

By Ann Campbell, Director of Nursing Practice

To all of the Operation Smile nurse volunteers:

Happy International Nurses Day!

The International Council of Nurses has declared that the 2016 International Nurses Day theme will be “Nurses: A Force for Change: Improving Health Systems’ Resilience.”

I find that this year’s theme is particularly fitting for Operation Smile’s nurse volunteers considering the myriad of ways that you contribute to the development and resilience of health systems in communities and countries worldwide. Nearly two-thirds of Operation Smile’s nurse volunteers are from low- and middle-income countries. These nurse volunteers use the skills and knowledge gained through participating in Operation Smile medical missions to improve the quality of health care services delivered at local health care facilities and share their expertise with other nurses in their communities.

International nurse volunteers help fill critical human resource gaps and engage in educational exchanges with health care providers from around the world. The indirect impact that Operation Smile nurse volunteers have had on the improvement of health systems at the local and national level has not been measured, but I know with certainty that your impact has been profound.

Your efforts to promote the strengthening of health systems should not overshadow your excellence in delivering individualized care to each patient. Operation Smile nurse volunteers are a constant touchpoint for patients across the continuum of care. As the largest group of healthcare providers, nurses — more than any other type of health care provider — have the opportunity to ensure patients receive the highest quality health care, advocate for patients’ safety and well-being, and promote patient-centered care. We see you take this responsibility to heart on a daily basis during Operation Smile medical missions worldwide and through your work in communities and systems of care.

As Operation Smile nurse volunteers, you are part of an incredible group of medical professionals that continually strive to balance compassionate care with quality and patient safety. 

We continue to be humbled by your dedication, vision, and the passion for transforming lives. You excel in your roles as advocates for patients and educators of families and peers. We are awed by your ability to respond to the evolving and changing needs of our patients. Your unparalleled knowledge and professionalism allows for prompt recognition of any change in a patient’s status, followed by the proper response and care. Operation Smile’s nurse volunteers promote knowledge of best practices and have been instrumental in making our medical mission sites and care centers some of the safest locations to receive surgery in the world.

Apart from your technical skills, we continue to be inspired by your empathy for our patients and your understanding of their emotional needs. You go above and beyond to hold the hand of a parent and offer an anxious child a few magical moments of respite by blowing bubbles with them. These interactions with patients demonstrate our humanity in its purest form.

Our nurse volunteers will continue to be instrumental in helping Operation Smile achieve its mission. In alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3, “to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages,” Operation Smile will continue to promote access to safe, timely and effective surgical care for ALL children around the world. As nurse leaders, YOU will be essential in the effort to turn this vision into a reality.

To all of our nurse volunteers, I say — THANK YOU! Thank you for sharing your energy, commitment, expertise, professionalism and most importantly, your passion for this profession with the greater Operation Smile family. We celebrate each and every one of you!


It takes as little as $240 and as few as 45 minutes to provide life-changing surgery and a bright, beautiful new smile to a waiting child.